Click here to view a slideshow in HD1080 resolution.
Have you renewed your subscription to Modern Arabian Horse magazine? The last issue of the year should be hitting...
Posted by Arabian Horse Association on Wednesday, December 3, 2014
This beautiful girl was nominated "Youth of the Year". So much fun shooting her and her handsome horse, Soldier Boi, for the cover of "Modern Arabian Horse". Click here to view a slideshow in HD1080 resolution.
Photographed the 'Celebrate George' at Thunderbird 22 June 2014. The afternoon was filled with inspiring speeches, warm friendly faces, people sharing/remembering old stories and plenty of emotional embraces. Photos of the event here. Odd hours to be shooting, but it was fun capturing some of the activity at Elgin's Dry Grad on Saturday!
Photos are now up on the website: We would love to gift all the photographs as digital downloads to you. In exchange we are asking for 100 likes on our Red Gown Photography's Facebook page. For every 10 likes we get, we will unlock 10 photos (remove the word proof). Then once we reach 100 likes we will unlock the entire gallery! So invite your friends and family to like our page and we will start unlocking! Thunderbird Show Park - what a beautiful place. Spent an exciting afternoon capturing the Purica World Cup Qualifier.
August 2017